F How to Create Cariculam Vitae In HTML Pages | CodeTheta

How to Create Cariculam Vitae In HTML Pages

July 28, 2013

This program written in HTML. It is a Hypertext Markup Language. It is a very popular web programming language for making website page. Here above picture is the out put of this program you can see a table is put up in this html and every field of the table is filled up with different different things you can see on tat picture

//Prepare the CV of a student using HTML Pages.
<body bgcolor="c1ddd">
<table width="40%" border=1 align="center">
<caption><h2>Cariculam Vitae</h2></caption>
<tbody bgcolor="d1ddd">
 <td colspan=2>
 <td colspan=3>
  Soumyodeep Mondal.
 <td colspan=2>
  Date Of Brith:
 <td colspan=3>
 <td colspan=2>
 <td colspan=3>
  xyz,abcd abcd road, country-abcd.
 <td colspan=2>
  Father's Name:
 <td colspan=3>
  abcd abcd.
 <td colspan=2>
 <td colspan=3>
  type here
 <td colspan=2>
 <td colspan=3 align="center">
  <img src="" width="15%">
Try this code in your computer for better understanding. Enjoy the code. If you have any Question you can contact us or mail us

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